Faith, Hope and Love Photos: Rollin' on the river
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: Why yes I'm plastic and yes I'm going to vote. My voice will be heard. Go USA!
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: This window is my silent adobe.
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: The pitter-patter of little dog feet
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: Butterfly up close and personal
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: Took this yesterday down at the River Market
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: Out by the lake. From the archives...
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: God's love covers this world.
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: The original "Shaggy Dog"
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: The grass is greener on this side of the fence
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: Please don't hurt me
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: The regal prince
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows my sorrow.
Faith, Hope and Love Photos: Till death do us part