S_Peter: Mamay, Siberia
JKLsemi: 326: Ganglia
Hege Hekland: 2016-04-03_02-45-13
Hege Hekland: Klosterklokker
Hege Hekland: Engeløybroen Steigen
S_Peter: Arnøya, North Norway
S_Peter: Aurora Borealis
Hege Hekland: 2015-11-17_10-26-06
TommyOshima: ambience
JKLsemi: JMK @ Norton Point Beach
Eric Lafforgue: Portrait Of A Mature Samburu Tribesman, Samburu County, Samburu National Reserve, Kenya
TommyOshima: awakening
Arkivverket (National Archives of Norway): Nord-Norge i ruiner under tyskernes retrett
mr phillip: Roomzzz, Manchester
HubbleSite: 2014: Frontier Field Abell 2744
The Library of Congress: E. Caruso (LOC)
*suika *: night fotographer
moaan: Silent Box
m-louis: 淀川マシン産業株式会社
m-louis: 大川端∞桜並木