fhekland: The new opera in Bjørvika
fhekland: 2007-05-05_Allé_botanisk_hage_02
fhekland: 2007-07-31_Oslo_06
fhekland: Rådhuset i Oslo
fhekland: Last year's beauty
fhekland: Sign of spring
fhekland: Budding has started, spring is here!
fhekland: Operabygget
fhekland: Operabygget
fhekland: Archimedes' spiral
fhekland: the result from the Olympus 35 SP
fhekland: somewhat out of focus
fhekland: completely out of focus
fhekland: Trevor the Trustworthy Tractor
fhekland: she was always square, that ol washing lady
fhekland: 20080921_Søndagstur_i_Oslo_25
fhekland: the alley down from the prison
fhekland: the prison
fhekland: BOO....
fhekland: periscope
fhekland: "we hide your losses"
fhekland: summer night appears dark when exposed for interiors
fhekland: Opera, take zillion and one
fhekland: Opera, take zillion
fhekland: the beginning of Barcode
fhekland: a great title to boot.
fhekland: someone's hobby
fhekland: "don't step on the grass"
fhekland: cliché IV