Antonio Ilardo: Primavera
ale.damico89: Milk Avenue
Pensiero: It's Coney Island Baby
somchai@2008: อีเสือสีน้ำตาล Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus lucionensis)
giuseppeviviano: Iridescenze
duetramonti: giocando
Francesco Azzolina: Suspended.. [landing]
Leonardo Pilara: Speranza
mrcmn: Verità,
Carlo Columba: Incendio di Pizzo Sella e Monte Gallo
ale_f64: gabbiano morto in acqua sporca
Erika Venturella: "cinquecento" FareVerdeFarbbe1
suffy74: sabbia e cenere
matey_88: My touch
Paolo Brunetti: Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money.
max - iogenovese: Giovani e anziani - Olders and Youngs
hotonpictures: Yellow meadow
Zantonio: Theater Seatings Avenue
*NINO*: Nebbia ad Erice
*NINO*: Tetti siciliani