Zahoor-Salmi: The lion
Wackelaugen: lonely heron
Elena Kalis: Falling
nikosmchairas: Nick in Action
hans hoeben: IMGP4320pp
Eleni.Rim: in awe
TommyOshima: indian summer
longbachnguyen: Autumn around Green Lake, Seattle
Leilani Photographs: “I and this mystery, here we stand.”
Mike McCusker ARPS: Another place 2
JuliaT.: Camminando sotto la pioggia
Mita09: Butterfly at work
tsankung2009: Silver Gull
【丹尼斯®】: 台中。東海大學。千千
RipeFoto: Day dreams...
Alan Chan Photography: Alien Tribute
karenm25: Sulking
RipeFoto: Take me with you...
le cabri: Peppers duo
Lauren Plevy: day two hundred and sixteen
MegsPhotosUK: {Day 103 / 365}
lrargerich: The Golden Dunes at Night