fewsaid: Lee Plaza
fewsaid: Grosfield Building
fewsaid: Michigan Central Station
fewsaid: 1401-03 W Juneau Ave.
fewsaid: CPA Building
fewsaid: Grande Ballroom
fewsaid: Temple Beth Israel
fewsaid: Kresge Dollar Store
fewsaid: 9252-66 Broadstreet Ave.
fewsaid: 3741 Rochester St.
fewsaid: Dexter Recreation and Market Center
fewsaid: 2972 Rochester St.
fewsaid: Laredo Apartments
fewsaid: Harpos Concert Theater
fewsaid: Civic Theater
fewsaid: 9158 Hayes St.
fewsaid: Hart Plaza
fewsaid: GM RenCen from Hart Plaza
fewsaid: Campus Martius Park
fewsaid: Wayne County Courthouse
fewsaid: L. B. King and Company Building
fewsaid: Kales Building
fewsaid: Blenheim Apartments
fewsaid: Book Tower & Building
fewsaid: Graphic Arts Building
fewsaid: Fisher Building
fewsaid: Michigan Bell Madison Central Office
fewsaid: Clairwood Apartments
fewsaid: Glen-Villa Apartments
fewsaid: 115 Avalon St.