~Fevos~: Swan. (The Last Picture)
~Fevos~: ...and they lived happily ever after
~Fevos~: Buon viaggio.
~Fevos~: “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.”
~Fevos~: Lonesome .
~Fevos~: “Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower”
~Fevos~: The red scarf dog .
~Fevos~: I lo/ve NY
~Fevos~: I 'Beer' NY
~Fevos~: M. Ward - She & Him
~Fevos~: She & Him
~Fevos~: childhood calling
~Fevos~: Everything Is Average Nowadays 2 : the man without pants found a girl !
~Fevos~: Everything Is Average Nowadays
~Fevos~: just another billboard in NY
~Fevos~: Street Love Writer !
~Fevos~: Mother | Women.
~Fevos~: · Brooklyn Bridge ·
~Fevos~: · A Street Phone Call ·
~Fevos~: · Familiar Stranger ·
~Fevos~: Confusion .
~Fevos~: “"I really believe i was happier when i slept on a park bench in Central Park than during all the years of the 'perfect lover' stuff.''”
~Fevos~: "Rock and roll is the hamburger that ate the world" Peter York
~Fevos~: She & Him .
~Fevos~: Every one wants to play with the iPad
~Fevos~: iPad