Marcot77: Pantheon
Marcot77: Castel del Monte
Marcot77: Trabucco a Vieste
Marcot77: Chateau de Vincennes
Marcot77: The view from Notre Dame
Marcot77: Cold and Snow in Turin
Marcot77: Divieto d'accesso
Marcot77: Bee landing on a Callimeston Flower
Marcot77: Craco
Giuseppe Toscano: Mood of Val d'Orcia
Marcot77: Hera's Temple
valentino *: Quick Sunsets - Vesuvio
AngieLullaby: Make a wish
Stefania S: Cielo a pecorelle .. sul Po
Marcot77: Il Capo
Hopeisalot: Discovery Park
Marcot77: Passeggiata notturna
Marcot77: Castello di Milazzo
¡arturii!: Barceloneta
¡arturii!: Sunset through the window
¡arturii!: The Gaudí Dragon
pihe: the last remnant
mandalù: Ripide scale...
mandalù: Valsinni vecchia...