Duvali@-Lat@ (Serge Rolandez): Odonate Orthetrum Coerulescens sp
Cristo Bolaños: I'll take your food!
Fu-Yi: .~☆ 台灣藍鵲 ☆~.Taiwan Blue Magpie
Gustavo r..: Orthetrum coerulescens
bmse: Red-Tailed Hawk + Squirrel II/II [Explored best position # 2]
David Rounce: Myopa buccata
MShoey1: Macro in the Park
krister.hall: Chrysid 2011-11-04-18.31
johnhallmen: Studio stack: Leaf-roller II
John&Fish: #754 冠羽幻園
Nikola Rahme: First day with flies
John&Fish: #747 小綠櫻揚
hl84: Je suis en colère
opzjon: Platystomatidae Scholastinae
Colin Hutton Photography: Phidippus mystaceus
Colin Hutton Photography: Tabanus fulvulus
Ibex - FotoNatura: Scoiattolo grigio_alloctono
elio de stefani.: Martin pescatore (Alcedo atthis)
©SilverDgfly: Hey baby!
Mattijn: the act of looking forward
Hai Hiu: 248NhenFS22Fr
Facing the Lens: FacingTheLens-181_small
MShoey1: Common Darter Dragonfly
SteveJM2009: Wow, did you see that jump?
Lizduquesa: Spotted frog / Hypsiboas punctatus