albert dros: Dreamy Dutch Sunrise
Eric Lafforgue: Girls Standing On A Rock On The Red Sea Bank, Suakin, Sudan
BoazImages: PORTUGAL
BoazImages: PORTUGAL
Eric Lafforgue: Coffin inside the empty bazaar of Kashan, Iran
gorettialencar: surpresa
gorettialencar: catedral1
Eric Lafforgue: Kunga Warriors Dancing In Line During A Singsing Ceremony, Mount Hagen, Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea
miss cleopatra: Railway in the evening sun
**ANNE: "Twilight is about getting older and relationships - not about a murder mystery. It´s about love when you reach a certain age; nothing is in primary colors." Robert Benton
**ANNE: "No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings" William Blake
Andrea Woodhouse: Child during Mass
Andrea Woodhouse: Sunset Calang 2: the Oxfam huts
Azulina: 2002
.sereal.: Heavy
.sereal.: Tarde I
carmidale: venice.too
Eric Lafforgue: Eritrea - Lafforgue
Eric Lafforgue: Kunama girl - Barentu Eritrea
BoazImages: Relaxing in Thailand
BoazImages: Ethiopian girl
BoazImages: INDIA-On The Way To The Market