feln_civil: shaving is for everyone else...
feln_civil: and again
feln_civil: Civil on ertk
feln_civil: Action shot??
feln_civil: snowy scene
feln_civil: clouds seperating
feln_civil: The Stencil Battle
feln_civil: Garage stencil
feln_civil: Feln wit sticker
feln_civil: 2 layer feln spray paint
feln_civil: Hand drawn sticker on box
feln_civil: Terrorist bench
feln_civil: V for Vendette shirt (back)
feln_civil: Babies and gas masks
feln_civil: Hollister knock off
feln_civil: rockin the bandana
feln_civil: ohhhh yeah
feln_civil: Civil Hat
feln_civil: Feln Adidas
feln_civil: Frankenstein's bride shirt
feln_civil: Make a wish
feln_civil: pics2007 004
feln_civil: pics2007 003
feln_civil: pics2007 002
feln_civil: Designated spray paint area
feln_civil: OuterSpace 017
feln_civil: chillin
feln_civil: hat freehand
feln_civil: Monster pattern
feln_civil: Collage shirt