Felix Dance: Day 0 - Using washers and hacksawed parts of a door stop to fix my rear spindle before the start of the tour
Felix Dance: Day 6 - Bike cleaning service in Medan
Felix Dance: Day 4 - A Sumatran house overlooking Lake Toba on Samosir Island
Felix Dance: Day 3 - A grassy lookout over Lake Toba from Samosir Island
Felix Dance: 2019-05-08_02-37-57
Felix Dance: Day 1 - The unsealed road to a nearby geohash
Felix Dance: Day 1 - Starting out in Medan
Felix Dance: Day 1 - Crossing a river for the day's geohash
Felix Dance: Day 1 - View over the palm oil plantations to the Lake Toba mountains
Felix Dance: Day 1 - Rice paddies on the way up to Lake Toba
Felix Dance: Day 1 - An ancient pedestrian suspension bridge being swallowed by rainforest
Felix Dance: Day 1 - Alex negotiates a switchback heading up to Lake Toba
Felix Dance: Day 1 - Steep climb up to Lake Toba!
Felix Dance: Day 1 - Our evening arrival at the lip of Lake Toba
Felix Dance: Day 1 - Alex and Alex on rough roads
Felix Dance: Day 1 - Lunch. Very exhausted from the climb
Felix Dance: Day 2 - Our first good view into Lake Toba
Felix Dance: Day 2 - A sneaky, quiet road circling Lake Toba
Felix Dance: Day 2 - Young kids are horrified to see Alex
Felix Dance: Day 2 - Alex dodging the potholes
Felix Dance: Day 2 - Swampy road. Going through was not a good idea
Felix Dance: Day 2 - Alex admiring the upcoming descent towards Lake Toba
Felix Dance: Day 2 - Monkeys watch us ride past on our way to Lake Toba
Felix Dance: Day 2 - The Alexes and myself pausing on the Lake Toba descent
Felix Dance: Day 2 - Arriving at the causeway to Pangururan
Felix Dance: Day 3 - Circumnavigating Samosir Island
Felix Dance: Day 3 - The Eastern-most point of Samosir Island
Felix Dance: Day 3 - Alex contemplates Lake Toba during our extended off-track detour
Felix Dance: Day 3 - The Alexes tough it up the extremely steep escape from our wrong detour
Felix Dance: Day 3 - A ferry on Lake Toba from above