felgari: Curiosity Sol 1126.
felgari: MSL panorama on Sol 1100
felgari: A view of Aeolis Mons, Sol 1081
felgari: Mars landscape detail, Sol 1082
felgari: Mars landscape detail, Sol 1082
felgari: Mars landscape, Sol 1082
felgari: ISS on Sunday, Aug 18, 2015
felgari: MSL, Sol 978
felgari: Curiosity Selfie, Sol 1065
felgari: Curiosity Panorama, Sol 962
felgari: Curiosity Panorama, Sol 944
felgari: Moon, Venus and Jupiter, july 18, 2015
felgari: Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Regulus, july 18, 2015
felgari: Zodiacal light before the dawn
felgari: Milky Way between horizons
felgari: ISS and a meteor
felgari: Moon, Venus and Jupiter, august 23 and 24, 2014
felgari: The Milky Way and El Cerro del Hierro
felgari: The Milky Way over the Monastery of Tentudia
felgari: Green flash from Seville, Spain
felgari: Constellations in the sky, May 2014
felgari: Panoramic view of Mount Sharp at Crater Gale by Curiosity on Sol 467
felgari: Zodiacal light before the dawn
felgari: Brilliant Perseid near radiant
felgari: A night sky panorama with star trails
felgari: The observatory and the scorpion's claws
felgari: Telescopes at Calar Alto
felgari: Conjunction before the dawn, 15 august 2012
felgari: Milky Way between horizons, 17 june 2012
felgari: Pleiades, Moon and Jupiter as seen through binoculars, 17 june 2012