ero ieri: Citara
esneed4: 135mm Graphlex Optar
Luca Moroni: Rimini color
Luca Moroni: Rimini color
Luca Moroni: Alassio (SV)
truecolor1980: Kaleinar 3Б 150/2.8 / GFX 50R
Nick in exsilio: Ristorante Quo Vadis
akiko@flickr: PLAUBEL makina 67
BERT DESIGN: Tokyo Night
paolopenna: Doll Clinic!
SwellMap: Shangri-La Restaurant, Chicago, Illinois
SwellMap: Eastern Summit Motel, Mohawk Trail, Florida, Mass.
SwellMap: The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale university, Connecticut
SwellMap: Park Lane Motel, Asbury Park, New Jersey
SwellMap: Britannia Hotel, Muskoka, Ontario
SwellMap: The Starlight Roof, Doral Beach Hotel, Miami, Florida
russelldavies: Visions of Japan
russelldavies: Visions of Japan
Nationalmuseet: Kusakabe Kimbei or Raimund von Stillfried-Ratenicz, Girl in heavy storm, 1880s.
Bjørn Giesenbauer: At the end of the day
caughtkneeh: 1408003.008
caughtkneeh: 1602007.005
caughtkneeh: 1602007.010
caughtkneeh: Glamping, up the Great Northern Highway, up north out bush.
caughtkneeh: One night in Lancelin.
caughtkneeh: Roadhouse.