Pangtography: 292/365
*Tiny Dancer*: Vanity 3.
wild goose chase: combien je voudrais me trouver
Drinking like a fish: 6/7 The bridge
Drinking like a fish: Take a deep breath
Super G: dreaming of a white Christmas
Super G: in the energy
seesuestitch: As Sweet As Bunny!
seesuestitch: My Pretty Pears!
Craig !: Duck 2009 4
brookeshaden: in the attic
brookeshaden: the one and the other one
Jon the 写真 Machine: An Interesting Life
Little Thoughts: Keep Warm!
Anastasia Volkova: lots of white
dhammza: Té para tres
dhammza: Flowers in december
cindyloughridge: pom pom girl
cindyloughridge: When we dance, angels will run and hide their wings
cindyloughridge: The Awwww factor