_Nurnpaarbilder_: Threesome
mauro_morando: Cerambyx cerdo - Ponzone (AL), Italia - 2/7/22 (OM-1 & 60mm f/2.8, 1/800" f/4 2000ISO)
mauro_morando: Himantoglossum robertianum, Barlia robertiana - Casella (GE), Italia (OM-D E-M1 & 60mm/2.8, stack of 40 images)
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Autumn in the Moselle Valley*
Quimpadi: Crocothemis Erythraea
nigel kiteley2011: Idas Blue - Plebejus idas
Bob Eade: Black-headed Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa coccinea).
arrtography: Autumn Sunrise
mishko2007: Nephyla clavata
BJSmit: Buff Ermine / gele tijger (Spilosoma lutea)
magli_giovanni: Colias Crocea su fiore di erba medica
AnBind: Resedafalter auf Gelber Skabiose
MichalRo: Coenonympha tullia
MichalRo: Polygonia c-album
potosi6088m: abgeschirmt
gianco1952: Leccinum versipelle
gianco1952: Cantharellus lutescens
AnBind: Resedafalter und abgeflogener Bläuling auf Kartäusernelke (explored 2022.10.10)
Lisa Rubino: Starting to bloom
Lisa Rubino: Duck in a hurry
dogman5: Looking for a mate !
dogman5: Nest building...
Thor Hakonsen: Vipera berus
zgrkrmblr: Sawfly Larva
Antonio Giudici ThaiButterflies.com: The Burmese Jezebel ♂ – ผีเสื้อหนอนกาฝากเหลืองพม่า
MichaelMerl: Orchis Morio
Quimpadi: Muscari