frankthewelder: IMG_0545
pencerw: Side 1
krs_bells: santacruz
fat_dog: BCKP
pencerw: Cargo net, Santa Cruz CA
naaamo2004: k.luv
naaamo2004: choKolate
PatrickSmithPhotography: Daybreak at the Golden Gate
Matthew Baldwin: Foul Balls
¡arturii!: Taking a Bath.
tbhasty: Watch For Ice!!!
abetam is faris: Guess who...
Outdoorsie @ CO: Enjoying the evening waves
tarotastic: Three Is A Magic Number
mcshots: McGrathBeachHighTide2
[ CK ]: Free!
Payuta Louro: Avec plaisir
rainspoo: Soooo Comfy. (HE's UPSIDE DOWN!)
Caleidoskopio_band: Panorámica Dodge Dark
junku: IMG_8147
junku: IMG_0862
snowcrash: tiny puppy
Johnny Vulkan: As Lenny takes the stage
Norby: Playful Pepper Puppy