Mr.Idioteque: comic book character 1
Mr.Idioteque: comic book character 2
Mr.Idioteque: some kind of nature
Mr.Idioteque: come on skinny love just last the year
Mr.Idioteque: strange little girl where are you going?
Mr.Idioteque: lift those heavy eyelids
Mr.Idioteque: do I want to do right? of course
Mr.Idioteque: aww yeah
Mr.Idioteque: you don't know my mind
Mr.Idioteque: you're all so thick headed
Mr.Idioteque: excuse me while I kiss the sky
Mr.Idioteque: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Mr.Idioteque: pwnage, of the complete variety.
Mr.Idioteque: the king of limbs
Mr.Idioteque: don't ask me where I've been
Mr.Idioteque: art of the fan variety
Mr.Idioteque: save me from these evil deeds
Mr.Idioteque: sleeping is giving in so lift those heavy eyelids
Mr.Idioteque: It's so many miles and so long since I've met you
Mr.Idioteque: down is the new up
Mr.Idioteque: it's all about the moon
Mr.Idioteque: you become forever responsible for what you tame
Mr.Idioteque: i slipped away on a little white lie
Mr.Idioteque: cymbal rush
Mr.Idioteque: we are the walking dead
Mr.Idioteque: its a long way to go 'fore we can rest
Mr.Idioteque: so many different people to be
Mr.Idioteque: and you fill your space so sweet
Mr.Idioteque: zombieslut