Brittanie Shey: This is what the sky looks like at about 11:45 pm in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Brittanie Shey: 1-23-10
Brittanie Shey: The Energy
Brittanie Shey: Reatard
Brittanie Shey: Jay Reatard
Brittanie Shey: Both sides of the wall
Brittanie Shey: More wall
Brittanie Shey: Me on steps
Brittanie Shey: Bridge
Brittanie Shey: Fishing boats
Brittanie Shey: Picnic tables
Brittanie Shey: Backrub
Brittanie Shey: Don't get lost or you'll end up like Bambi here
Brittanie Shey: Yellow worm
Brittanie Shey: White urchin
Brittanie Shey: Werd up
Brittanie Shey: Urchin and friend
Brittanie Shey: Tiger grouper
Brittanie Shey: Striped mutton snapper
Brittanie Shey: Squirrel fish
Brittanie Shey: Sponge
Brittanie Shey: Sponge and soft coral
Brittanie Shey: Spawning!
Brittanie Shey: Spawn release
Brittanie Shey: Spawn and brittle star
Brittanie Shey: Rock hind
Brittanie Shey: Rig and reef
Brittanie Shey: Regulator
Brittanie Shey: Reef on the rig