*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Cityscape Density: the Neighbours - Hongkong 61/188
jooka5000: there is a ninety-seven point six percent chance of failure
jooka5000: hand of the forces
jooka5000: winter wonder accidents
jooka5000: strange observations during the binary sunset
matteocarta.net: The Deer
matteocarta.net: Deer at the camp
cnmark: Shanghai - The Stars...
cnmark: Munich - Junkers Ju 52/3m
Gaurav Agrawal @ San Diego: Chasing light : In Explore 6th January 2017
Infinita Highway!: PORTUGAL - Lisboa - LxFactory
The Open Wall (On/Off for a while): Flickr Top 50, Top US & Cover Photo 2016 (Fetch - Sunset)
Jeffrey Barry: London Underground corridor in black and white
青春18---always: Chungli/Taiwan/2016
Remote Expeditions (Tristan Quevilly): Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Colombia - End of the Road Cowboy
Lejeune Grégory: Consommation.
tpolonio: Chicago Metro Station