oneeyesees: "Nature is not something that can be seen by the eye alone- it lies also within the soul, in pictures seen by the inner eye…” Edvard Munch
Not Jane Doe: Citizen Kane
zentrinity: “Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.” 327/365
oneeyesees: Lakeside Memories
Nate Bittinger: All That Awaits
bunchadogs & susan [off]: get a grip, woman!
jean sept: Unexpected Poodle
Illusiontom: il lavoro di chitarrista [guitarist's job]
Rudy Labordus: Applause
lilion (Beatrix Jourdan): long life... hard life... (portrait)
Christine Lebrasseur: « Edith » - 12
Michele Leccese- Aka *mklex: L'estraneo - The Stranger
B†essed: Imperfect Time