farmama: January Do.Good. Love Circle blocks for Allison
farmama: November Love Block
farmama: September Block for Love Circle: Do.Good.Stitches ------>Ohio Star<------
farmama: August Love Circle Block for Do.Good.Stitches
farmama: July Love Circle Blocks
farmama: June Love Circle blocks
farmama: My farmer boy putting a swarm into a top bar hive
farmama: Naturally dyed cotton fabric::indigo
farmama: The organic indigo dye vat
farmama: Natural dye session::the organic indigo vat
farmama: Working by night in the dye studio
farmama: My natural dye studio
farmama: Converting one of our outbuildings into a natural dye studio
farmama: We have what you would call a big compost pile!
farmama: Spring on the farm
farmama: Yellow cotton dyed with dandelions
farmama: Picking dandelions for natural dye
farmama: Black walnuts::natural dye
farmama: Finished quilt top. The dark linen is from the thrift store. The light linen is Essex yarn dyed flax. The stars are organic cotton/hemp that I dyed naturally with cutch and the blue was dyed with indigo. I think the stars are called variable star.
farmama: Working with some fabrics that I dyed with plants and having too much fun!!
farmama: Working with some fabrics that I dyed with plants and having too much fun!!
farmama: Moda Modern Building Blocks :: block 3
farmama: April blocks for Do.Good.Stitches ❤️ Circle
farmama: Patchwork Curtains!