miss.interpretations: The Magic of the Season
Steffen Walther: Old man of Storr
alexdraco.com: Dallas Shines Brightly
vn khanh: Đà Lạt
rhythmandcode: Central Park & The West Side
EricGail_AdventureInFineArtPhotography: Sunshine On My Shoulder, Makes Me Happy
stacksjay79: Newtown Creek Sunset - Isle of Wight
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Reflections of Summer
Antonius Plaian: Autumnal
mikemikecat: Elements 圓方
absynth100: guiding light
joel.roturier: bijoux naturels
PS兔~兔兔兔~: Stage ~蔦七沼,瓢箪沼 Hyotan-numa (Gourd marsh ) of Tsuta marsh ~
joel.roturier: un matin ordinaire
∴ SilverFish & Friends: The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.
meeyak: Griffith Observatory
aleq1463: P1870063
mikemikecat: Maples
joel.roturier: vigne vierge
Vincent_Ting: Night at Mountain Dalun 大崙山
joel.roturier: un peu de fraîcheur avec du bleu
aleq1463: ? Bee disappeared ...? It will not go to "helper" ...? Because I pressed the shutter it !!! ^^?蜜蜂不見了…?它會不會去找"幫手"…?因為我對它按了快門^^!!!P1840334
sharon quarterman I: Golden brown
zakies: On fire ...
aleq1463: IMG_0431