Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Ready for our trip to the Airport !
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Where are all the people ?
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Boarding Pass Buddies
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Airports are cool !
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Southwest 737 arrives !
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Boeing 737-700 - all aboard for Pittsburgh !!
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Milestone Moment
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Struggling to look cool while feeling totally excited inside !
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Look at all those buttons !
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
"Those cars look like ants!"
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Central PA from 22,000 feet
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Annette, Zack and Franco Harris ?
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Pittsburgh Airport's People Mover
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Tunnel Twins
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Southwest sons
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Window Webkinz
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Window Webkinz 2
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Western PA weather at 23,000 feet
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
The snake river
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Susquehanna River headed towards the Chesapeake Bay
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Centered Center City
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Camden - Philly
Fantastic 4 in Philly:
Philly Parks