Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack drops off his instructor - solo is a go!
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack's 1st solo takeoff !
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack Solo Flight takeoff
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack's 3rd solo landing - watchout for Frontier Airbus :)
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack's 3rd solo landing - taxiing around Frontier Airbus A319
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack has officially Soloed !
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Solo Student Pilot !
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack with his instructor Cristian
Fantastic 4 in Philly: The smile that accompanies a life milestone
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack Solo Flight 010
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Relentless 1
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Relentless 2
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Pens Star Wars
Fantastic 4 in Philly: PHL Airport Art
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Blue Lips for Becky
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Zack's 2008 Corvette
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Nate's 2008 Corvette
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Super Saturn Skyy
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Steelers Sons in Saturn Skyy
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Saturn Skyy Seats
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Nate in a Mustang
Fantastic 4 in Philly: BMW Brothers
Fantastic 4 in Philly: We're in a Hummer !
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Jeep Juniors
Fantastic 4 in Philly: She blinded me with Science!
Fantastic 4 in Philly: This present is Out of this World!
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Nate, Bailey and Zack
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Bailey and the Boys!
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Bailey's bushed
Fantastic 4 in Philly: Tammy's Touchdown Teammate