Fameorshame Press: Diamond Shaft Pawls
Fameorshame Press: Someday I'll get to add another deck to my collection #itmfa
Fameorshame Press: Ted Schwarz card
Fameorshame Press: Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles Term Card
Fameorshame Press: My UNO candy crew #vandercookpressrepair
Fameorshame Press: Fixin to give this SP15 a spa day. #vandercookpressrepair
Fameorshame Press: Vandercook Maintenance workshop day one. I'll been doing this class for 15 years. 120 sessions at 60 venues and it's different every time #vandercookpress #centerforbookarts
Fameorshame Press: Class print hickies and all
Fameorshame Press: Note from Fritz (2006) tucked in a roll of tympan: "This press does indeed print."
Fameorshame Press: Getting this Uni I ABP back in shape for Purdue!
Fameorshame Press: Paul Shaw and Grendl Lofkvist
Fameorshame Press: Me and Bieler
Fameorshame Press: Ricky Jay keynote speaker at the 41st Annual American Printing History Association Conference October 7. Presentation recaps forthcoming on http://printinghistorty.org meanwhile look for attendees photos #americanprintinghistory
Fameorshame Press: Crown City Bank
Fameorshame Press: Had a great day helping Jim Camp at Synaesthesia Press tune up his nice low mileage 1929 old style 219.
Fameorshame Press: We need to talk about Kevin #churchoftype
Fameorshame Press: "... but some of us are looking at the stars."
Fameorshame Press: Happy 918 y'all
Fameorshame Press: 10 Line De Vinne (Hamilton), 8 Line Corbitt (Hamilton), 8 Line De Vinne (Morgans & Wilcox) #woodtype #fameorshamepress
Fameorshame Press: Blueberries and Vandercooks are waiting for you at MCBA #mnbookarts
Fameorshame Press: Check out the list of readers who passed around this issue.
Fameorshame Press: Just finished the Bodoni biography. It's well worth your time. Now I want linguini and clams.