Enrique Capilla: Rio Tinto - tarde gris
Macronocturno: De noche en el desierto de Tabernas.
Macronocturno: Being under that sky makes you feel so small in the universe, and makes you feel so big to have the ability to see this.
entomopixel: Delphinia picta
entomopixel: Bathroom fly 2
entomopixel: Sphecomyia vittata
entomopixel: Pyrgota sp.
entomopixel: Chrysopilus thoracicus - Golden-backed Snipe Fly
entomopixel: Chlorotabanus mexicanus
entomopixel: diptera ant mimic
entomopixel: una pequena mosca rara
MD_MC: metallic wasp
Sebastián Padrón: Diversidad de tamaños
jpburgess: Sphaerodactylus elegans, juv.
ruiamandrade: Ectoparasitoidismo
Macronocturno: Eresus cf. kollari
Philip Wee: IMG_4466a
fturmog: Rhinechis scalaris
mantidboy: CIMG9579
mantidboy: Pseudocreobotra whalbergii
Enrique Capilla: Abanicos marinos II (media hora antes)
Philip Wee: IMG_9647a
Philip Wee: IMG_6692a
Torsten Dikow: Opomydas townsendi (Diptera: Mydidae: Ectyphinae)
Enrique Capilla: Escorrentía
Andrew JK Tan: MBS NDP_6670
superegnum: Myopa occulta
alcedofoto.: Herse convolvuli