fallowmanweride: Thorn Raven near Haltwhistle
fallowmanweride: Thorn Raven
fallowmanweride: Handlebars
fallowmanweride: Handlebars
fallowmanweride: The Wall at Housesteads
fallowmanweride: The countryside near Housesteads
fallowmanweride: The north wall at Housesteads
fallowmanweride: Pimm's, anyone?
fallowmanweride: CIMG0253
fallowmanweride: CIMG0247
fallowmanweride: CIMG0245
fallowmanweride: CIMG0244
fallowmanweride: CIMG0241
fallowmanweride: CIMG0239
fallowmanweride: CIMG0235
fallowmanweride: CIMG0232
fallowmanweride: CIMG0233
fallowmanweride: CIMG0231
fallowmanweride: Stag's progress: Comfort
fallowmanweride: That's just wrong
fallowmanweride: Stag's progress: hysteria
fallowmanweride: Maybe he'll just go away....
fallowmanweride: Almost funny
fallowmanweride: Jono recalls paintballing. You weren't there, man. You don't know what it was like.
fallowmanweride: Jim in typical pose
fallowmanweride: Statler, Waldorf
fallowmanweride: My God, it's alive
fallowmanweride: This is all a coincidence and I'm not really here
fallowmanweride: Stag's progress: Triumph