Calum.Mackenzie1: The aftermath of 100mph winds on Saturday 21.12.24 Surprisingly the UK Met Office did not have the weather forecast as a named storm, just a general beware Yellow Warning, but this was the worst weather of the winter so far.
Ross Mackenzie: Quendale Beach, Shetland
looper23: Haworth postbox and telephone kiosk
MBDGE: Alamosborg
PentlandPirate: Slapdash Photography: Queen of all she surveys
Steve Frazier Photography: Fishing In North Carolina
J.A Imagen: curruca capirotada y herrerillo común
Terje Nesthus: Veien til Sortland
Calum.Mackenzie1: An indication of the amount of snow that fell overnight on the 6th/7th February
Ian Robin Jackson: Yellowhammer in the snow
Calum.Mackenzie1: Amber weather Warning in action as January snows starts drifting in freshening winds.
J.A Imagen: lagos de Somiedo
Ronnierob: ATR 72 G-LMTA IMG_1701
MBDGE: Job Done
Osdog AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*: The last full moon of 2023 -
Red Cross Week: Photo: Collecting at Paddington station, London
Calum.Mackenzie1: Conrnquoy/St.Nicholas Kirk/East end of Holm parish in Easterly gales 29.10.23
Calum.Mackenzie1: Northside Birsay Orkney 5.10.23
J.A Imagen: faro y cementerio ( Luarca )
MBDGE: The Summer Sunsets
Margalide Balto: Balto & Lumos
#Sacho#: Flower
Jan Egil Kristiansen: Solbyge på andre siden
paulh.petersen: Unterwegs
Ronnierob: Stormy Waters IMG_7516
Jan Egil Kristiansen: Utsikt over Hoyvík
Ronnierob: BBC BELEM IMG_6943
Jan Egil Kristiansen: Pretending Peace