falconkimo: 五分山雷達站.銀河[Wufenshan Radar Station. Milky Way]
falconkimo: 坪林茶園.雲海車軌銀河[Pinglin Tea Garden. Sea of ​​Clouds Car Track Galaxy]
falconkimo: 2023淡水漁人碼頭仲夏繽紛樂.煙火秀[2023 Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf Midsummer Fun. fireworks show]
falconkimo: M31仙女座星系[M31 Andromeda Galaxy]
falconkimo: 坪林山區.銀河[Pinglin Mountains. the galaxy]
falconkimo: 2023王功漁火節.煙火、無人機、風火輪[2023 Wang Gong Fishing Fire Festival. fireworks, drones, hot wheels]
falconkimo: 新北城市藝術節.煙火[New Taipei City Arts Festival. fireworks]
falconkimo: 2023龍潭歸鄉文化節.花火之夜
falconkimo: 淡水紫藤咖啡園.紫藤[Tamsui Wisteria Coffee Garden. wisteria]
falconkimo: 台南土城正統鹿耳門聖母廟.開幕啟炮[Orthodox Luermen Temple of Our Lady in Tucheng, Tainan. opening fire]
falconkimo: 2023台北101跨年煙火[2023 Taipei 101 New Year's Eve Fireworks]
falconkimo: 2022總統府.國慶光雕秀[2022 Presidential Palace. National Day Light Sculpture Show]
falconkimo: 淡水漁人碼頭.煙火秀[Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf. fireworks show]
falconkimo: 台南夏日音樂節.將軍吼煙火【Tainan Summer Music Festival. General shouting fireworks】
falconkimo: 四季長廊觀景台.夜幕[Four Seasons Corridor Observation Deck. night]
falconkimo: 大稻埕.情人節煙火[ Dadaocheng. Valentine's Day Fireworks]
falconkimo: 烘爐地南山福德宮.車軌[Oven ground Nanshan Fude Palace. Rail]
falconkimo: 2022正統鹿耳門聖母廟.煙火[2022 Orthodox Luermen Notre Dame Temple. fireworks]
falconkimo: 三峽廣行宮.祈福天燈[Three Gorges Guangxing Palace. prayer sky lantern ]
falconkimo: 春櫻光廊[Spring Cherry Blossom Gallery]
falconkimo: 經典光廊[Classic light gallery]
falconkimo: 2021新北市歡樂耶誕城[2021 Christmas City in New Taipei City ]
falconkimo: 高雄.中華民國110年國慶煙火[Kaohsiung. The 110th National Day Fireworks of the Republic of China ]
falconkimo: 左岸橋.日出雲彩[Left bank bridge. Sunrise clouds ]
falconkimo: 樹林興仁夜市.百萬跨年煙火[Shulin Xingren Night Market. Millions of New Year's Eve fireworks]
falconkimo: 2020新北歡樂耶誕城[2020 New Taipei Christmas City]
falconkimo: 2020新北歡樂耶誕城[2020 New Taipei Christmas City]
falconkimo: 銀河.特寫[Galaxy. close up]
falconkimo: 2020大稻埕情人節煙火[2020 Dadaocheng Valentine's Day Fireworks]
falconkimo: 大武崙漁港.日出雲彩[Dawulun Fishing Port. Sunrise clouds]