Tomas Gomez del Fresno:
el gardel contemporaneo
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue:
Riley (video of her rescue - below)
Sunciti _ Sundaram's Images + Messages:
Double Suns, so terribly hot and harsh, It is summer time.
Armando Silvestre:
Strip the soul, fill the hole.:
Part of Me
Agustina Lusky:
nicolas federico:
come to me
principito * (mi papá)
Strip the soul, fill the hole.:
Arriving somewhere but not here
no editarás:
me encanta verte reir
another day, another way:
"el cielo perdió un pedacito de sol"
tu eternidad es no despertar.
Strip the soul, fill the hole.:
En algún lugar
Cora Álvarez:
a little bit