Fair Trade Certified: Cupping and Evaluating the coffee
Fair Trade Certified: Centro de Exelencia do Cafe
Fair Trade Certified: Green Coffee Beans
Fair Trade Certified: Preparing the beans
Fair Trade Certified: Hot water for the samples
Fair Trade Certified: Juror Renato Luiz de Souza
Fair Trade Certified: A heavenly smell
Fair Trade Certified: Juror Marcia Yoko Shimosaka
Fair Trade Certified: Evaluating the Fragarance and Aroma
Fair Trade Certified: Evaluating Taste and Body
Fair Trade Certified: Cupping the Coffee
Fair Trade Certified: Juror Silvio Leite
Fair Trade Certified: Juror Profesor Flavio Borem
Fair Trade Certified: Writing down a score
Fair Trade Certified: ranking the coffees
Fair Trade Certified: The 2009 international Jury
Fair Trade Certified: Explaining the Cupping Process
Fair Trade Certified: Lisa Kubiske-Charge dÁffairs A.I. U.S. Embassy Brazil practices cupping
Fair Trade Certified: Lisa Kubiske-Charge dÁffairs A.I. U.S. Embassy Brazil
Fair Trade Certified: Lynn Lohr from TransFair USA
Fair Trade Certified: Paulo Mindlin of Wal-Mart Brazil
Fair Trade Certified: waiting to learn the results
Fair Trade Certified: 5th place winner in the semi washed coffee category- Aguinaldo Antonio Altoe
Fair Trade Certified: 5th place winner in the semi washed coffee category- Aguinaldo Antonio Altoe
Fair Trade Certified: Unipcafem members celebrate
Fair Trade Certified: Unipcafem reacts to the news