Fair Trade Certified:
Visiting the amazing @EquatorCoffees today! #FairTrade #Ecuador #coffee
Fair Trade Certified:
Members of the Triunfo Verde Co-op spent Valentines Day drying lots of coffee, with lots of love! ❤
Fair Trade Certified:
Coming soon to a café near you! The Triunfo Verde cooperative in Chiapas has had a bountiful harvest so far. #FairTrade #chiapas #coffee #bodega #Mexico
Fair Trade Certified:
Eliseo takes a rest after a long day of coffee harvesting. He's a member of the Majomut #FairTrade Cooperative in Chiapas, Mexico. #coffee #chiapas
Fair Trade Certified:
Hot off the presses! Find a #FairTrade gift for everyone on your list at FairTradeUSA.org/holidays
Fair Trade Certified:
Heather, our amazing apparel director, trying on the newest #FairTrade fashions at the @Prana grand opening party.
Fair Trade Certified:
Thank you @GreenMrnCoffee and @MichaelFranti for spreading the word about #FairTrade!
Fair Trade Certified:
Visit the @GreenMtnCoffee Facebook page right now to hear @MichaelFranti sing for #FairTradeMonth! http://bit.ly/greenmtncoffee
Fair Trade Certified:
Winner of the #FairTradeMonth bake off: @RishiTea Earl Grey Lavender Cupcakes with Lemon Buttercream Frosting.
Fair Trade Certified:
Jose Antonio Benevides - 4th generation Colombian coffee farmer. 1st generation FT farmer.
Fair Trade Certified:
Thank you for spreading the word about #FairTrade, @GracePotter! #GMCFairTrade http://bit.ly/GMCfairtrade
Fair Trade Certified:
Beautiful new packaging from @RishiTea. #FairTrade
Fair Trade Certified:
New! @acureorganics shampoo + conditioner made with #FairTrade rooibos and argan oil. How awesome is this? Spotted at @wholefoodsmarket.
Fair Trade Certified:
Pups for #FairTrade #FairTradeMonth
Fair Trade Certified:
This is what #NationalCoffeeDay is all about. #FairTrade
Fair Trade Certified:
It's starting to feel like #FairTradeMonth! Did anyone see this article in the @nytimes today? @michaelfranti @greenmtncoffee #GMCFairTrade
Fair Trade Certified:
Beautiful heirloom tomato panzanella #salad by @kitchenonfire topped with @alterecosf's #FairTrade red quinoa. Do you add quinoa to your salads?
Fair Trade Certified:
#FairTradeMonth must be approaching: @GreenMtnCoffee Pumpkin Spice has arrived! #FairTrade
Fair Trade Certified:
Spot the #FairTrade beverage on @virginamerica. Hint: it's @honestbeverages
Fair Trade Certified:
Win a travel cup and #FairTrade tea from @littleredcuptea today at www.Facebook.com/FairTradeCertified #FairTradeFriday
Fair Trade Certified:
#FairTrade goodies galore. What's your favorite?
Fair Trade Certified:
#FairTrade red #quinoa cucumber salad with fresh mint and siracha. Recipe by @PoojaMottl via @AlterEcoSF
Fair Trade Certified:
Made with #FairTrade organic cane sugar. @FairSpirits
Fair Trade Certified:
#FairTrade spices from @spicelyorganic #spiceupyourlife
Fair Trade Certified:
Flower Workers holding Ben & Jerry's
Fair Trade Certified:
Fair Trade Certified Roses
Fair Trade Certified:
Ecuadorian Fair Trade Flower Farmers
Fair Trade Certified:
Ecuadorian Fair Trade Flower Farmers
Fair Trade Certified:
Networking at the Fair Trade Welcome Party
Fair Trade Certified:
Discussing Fair Trade