Rivertay07 - thanks for over 6 million views: Too close to capture......Angel passing by!
Steph.F: Elemental
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Can I borrow your comb please.. :)
Roberta Fuganti: controluce
Bienenwabe: A flower of the Chinese Wisteria.
steveberardi: Humboldt's Lily (Lilium humboldtii)
basyeban: Antarctic Blue Iceberg
natworld50 thanks for over 3.1 million views: Blickling estate, explored, thank you for over 800 views
lordspudz: Corton
Robert Geldard: Black Headed Gull
Simpel1: Orchidee
Lynn Morag: Only a night from old to new ....
><((º>/Marilene Simão<º))><: BOM DIA AMIGOS!!!!
John H Bowman: Grain storage & canola fields - Manitoba
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Thanks to all who wished me well
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Estrelinha-ametista, beija-flor-mosca, besourinho-ametista, besouro-zumbidor Tesourinha (Calliphlox amethystina) - Picaflor amatista - Amethyst Woodstar - 24-12-2008 - IMG_20081224_9999_577
tomengo: purple-top vervain
TheRevSteve: West window, Robinson College