Felicity Shoulders: Camellia in late afternoon
Felicity Shoulders: Imperfection
Felicity Shoulders: Forest of blooms
Felicity Shoulders: Coiled fern
Felicity Shoulders: Friendly faces
Felicity Shoulders: Access denied
Felicity Shoulders: Soggy wrong-bus adventure
Felicity Shoulders: Elk Cove view
Felicity Shoulders: Elk Cove viewpoint
Felicity Shoulders: This is an Oregon Autumn
Felicity Shoulders: I love my local library
Felicity Shoulders: Backyard blooms
Felicity Shoulders: Bleeding Hearts
Felicity Shoulders: Tai Hu rock at the Lan Su Garden
Felicity Shoulders: Drops from the roof of a pavilion.
Felicity Shoulders: Forsythia at the Chinese Gardens.
Felicity Shoulders: Curly vine
Felicity Shoulders: This is the picture everyone takes at the Chinese Gardens.
Felicity Shoulders: Bare branches
Felicity Shoulders: Portland pano