Felicity Shoulders: Eagle getting ready to leave
Felicity Shoulders: Queenfisher
Felicity Shoulders: Cormorants
Felicity Shoulders: Long-billed dowitchers in flight
Felicity Shoulders: Long-billed dowitchers in flight
Felicity Shoulders: Long-billed dowitchers in flight
Felicity Shoulders: Long-billed dowitchers in flight
Felicity Shoulders: Long-billed dowitchers
Felicity Shoulders: Great egret
Felicity Shoulders: Cormorants
Felicity Shoulders: Cormorant-drying party
Felicity Shoulders: Crow chases off merlin
Felicity Shoulders: Merlin with resting harasser
Felicity Shoulders: Pacific (Black) Merlin
Felicity Shoulders: Eagle defiant
Felicity Shoulders: Eagle and crows
Felicity Shoulders: Eagle puts up spirited resistance
Felicity Shoulders: Eagle beset by crow mob
Felicity Shoulders: Bald eagle arrival
Felicity Shoulders: Heron hunting
Felicity Shoulders: Great blue heron with fall colors
Felicity Shoulders: Young Great Blue Heron napping
Felicity Shoulders: Furling the wings
Felicity Shoulders: Young wood ducks
Felicity Shoulders: Osprey looking for fish
Felicity Shoulders: Green heron far
Felicity Shoulders: Green heron near
Felicity Shoulders: Begging grebelet gets a fish 1/4
Felicity Shoulders: Begging grebelet gets a fish 3/4