shafiquemohammed37: Living Root bridge -1
shafiquemohammed37: Living root bridge
shafiquemohammed37: Path is so rough,,,
shafiquemohammed37: A PAUSE MOMENT...
shafiquemohammed37: A Shrikes(Salika) enjoying in the middle.....
shafiquemohammed37: Going Throughout
shafiquemohammed37: Blue Sky..
shafiquemohammed37: Hijol Tree...
shafiquemohammed37: Reflected Bench..
shafiquemohammed37: To the shore..
shafiquemohammed37: While Sun at the top...
shafiquemohammed37: A Red Umbrella,,,
shafiquemohammed37: When Sun is over head....
shafiquemohammed37: Producing Jute Fiber on going.....
shafiquemohammed37: Cloudy Sky...
shafiquemohammed37: Fishing at evening...
shafiquemohammed37: Floting Jutes..
shafiquemohammed37: Shops are open now.....
shafiquemohammed37: Lotus with flourish beauty....
shafiquemohammed37: The Sound of Silence..
shafiquemohammed37: A Hawker on the way..
shafiquemohammed37: Shadows(Memories) are hazy....
shafiquemohammed37: Fishing nets at far end..
shafiquemohammed37: Looking for hidden Treasure..
shafiquemohammed37: White & Violet both are Lily ....
shafiquemohammed37: Storm Clouds..
shafiquemohammed37: A fresh Morning after storm..
shafiquemohammed37: It's breakfast time in the early morning..