AndreaPucci: Babele 2.0 / Babel 2.0 (The City of London, London, England)
Fanny des collines: sunset sur la bonne mère
rebel♬butterfly: Behind Blue Eyes
coincidentalimages: -no title-
Nicolò Venza: Magiche luci a Venezia
Toki ITA: Bergen
Toki ITA: Copenhagen
Nicolò Venza: Soffio degli antichi gondolieri
Matthew Mawer: Cable Car on the move
Lella Leone Photo: me inside you
Sergio Battaglia: Cape Fear...Il promontorio della paura
michele rossi: My hero
Lella Leone Photo: Alis Cullen
coincidentalimages: se non ora, quando? #46
Peter Bowers: Toronto Harbour, Broken Ice
Matthew Mawer: Marburg - Church of St. Mary
Peter Bowers: Sunset and Canoe, French River
carbonlook70: Alona Finale a Caorle Airshow 2008
Nicolò Venza: Luci nel buio
Peter Bowers: Fire Canoe #2
Peter Bowers: Icy Sunrise (with Swans)
Alfetta78: Serra abbandonata
coincidentalimages: one more gear
bebbbo: Faggeta di Soriano nel Cimino
coincidentalimages: ...maar ook een ferrari!