Meemo: Grabbing a quick beer with my Travy. We are looking old. Especially compared to us 19 yrs ago.
Meemo: Ethan and Zia. That is one seriously cute baby.
Meemo: He said he wanted to sit in back so he could put his legs up. Really feel like a taxi driver. Except my passengers are crappy tippers.
Meemo: He says "I want faster!". I say slow down baby, its going to fast already.
Meemo: The best thing about having kids is getting to act like a kid with them.
Meemo: My partner in crime.
Meemo: My pet dinosaur.
Meemo: We had a good lol over this. Good start to the day.
Meemo: Enjoy the silence. The only time this kids not talking is when he's sleeping.
Meemo: My son is so handsome. You should have seen the sideburns on this kid just a few days ago.
Meemo: My new nephew is beautiful. I can't wait to sniff his head.
Meemo: It's a beautiful morning in PHX.
Meemo: A gamer in the making. Good thing we kept that old Nintendo 64 around.
Meemo: ToyStory.jpg
Meemo: ToyStory.jpg
Meemo: April 2010 209
Meemo: April 2010 201
Meemo: April 2010 169
Meemo: April 2010 146
Meemo: April 2010 139
Meemo: April 2010 105
Meemo: April 2010 101
Meemo: April 2010 076
Meemo: April 2010 078
Meemo: April 2010 067
Meemo: April 2010 058
Meemo: April 2010 018
Meemo: April 2010 045
Meemo: April 2010 012