fata_: breaking bad
fata_: heart & mind
fata_: heart & mind
fata_: heart & mind
fata_: a joke in the way that we rust
fata_: there's coke in the midas touch
fata_: blue
fata_: mondrain
fata_: alternate life
fata_: closing
fata_: three colors
fata_: rilke
fata_: il y a l'ocean
fata_: plan the escape
fata_: I am me
fata_: never let it have its way
fata_: jackson/milles
fata_: My feet are killing me.
fata_: i'm boring as f**k
fata_: its roots
fata_: lethe, goodnight
fata_: and fills me with longing
fata_: get high
fata_: i say it is
fata_: smile
fata_: The reverse side also has a reverse side
fata_: things never happen the same way twice
fata_: but my heart
fata_: good morning
fata_: house of gold