New living room carpet purchase at IKEA, which just so happens to be reminiscent of the carpet in the Black Lodge (as well as Leland Palmer's herringbone coat).
Clover for the second time in three days. I may be developing a problem. But those rosemary fries....
At work, we're taking over one more floor in our building. We checked out the construction progress today, and I snapped this pic of ladders for @jhw145. And yes, that is a still extant (but non working) fireplace on the corner of the top floor, which onc
Louise Brooks ❤. There's also so much going on here, economically. $30 at the comics store on free comic book day, originally sold for a quarter at a time when they looked back on a dime being a lot of money nostalgically. #louisebrooks #silentmovie
A couple of days late posting, but my Record Store Day haul was Robyn, Townes, and Stephin.
Besides meditation itself, one of the things I love about the Sunday meditation class at the Arlington Center are the ratty rugs from the 70s that we sit on. In the years that I've been going there with @okclores, today was the first time I drew the blank
Postscript on the #marchforscience : every day commuting on the red line is basically a march for science. (Every single ad on the train was part of this campaign).
Earlier. Powering up for piano, then the first soccer game of the year. ☕️ 🎹 ⚽ He and I usually stop at Dunkin's for a bagel on the way to piano. (Gross, but he likes them). But this morning he dragged me out of the house at