twincovercollector: insidedfwsep10of1938
MinifiguresXD: MIMP Jotun Troll
nightowlghoul: 100_0982
nightowlghoul: 100_0721
nightowlghoul: 015 (4)
nightowlghoul: 016 (2)
nightowlghoul: 001 (3)
micky the pixel: Allgemeiner Deutscher Comic-Preiskatalog 2009 / Comics 8
MICKSIDGE: Dracula Lives - Marvel Comics UK - Dec 28th 1974
micky the pixel: Allgemeiner Deutscher Comic Preiskatalog 2010 / IIlustration 1
venus.: i really wish my dear friend (thorny inc) would get an instagram already. sigh. he's such a terror talent. here are his renditions of fly boy and the monster. i can't wait til i get to see his genius at work in person but for now, i'll settle for these
ghostofhalloweenspast: Dennison Scary Leaves
The Lightburns: Monster Gallery - Creature from the Black Lagoon
jerrygarnold: DSCN3696
luvehorror: Halloween in March
eleni.mettyear: i'll eat you alive
micky the pixel: The Last One #1 / Advertisement
Dagmark Tomassi: Gre-gory, with blood! This toy bat was made of reddish-brown soft vinyl, and intended for kids aged seven and up. And Gre-gory could be all yours for under $12.00 dollars. 1980. XMas memories.
Donald Deveau: Werewolf By Night #18 ( Marvel 1974 )
Donald Deveau: The Frankenstein Monster #9 ( Marvel 1974 )