pierre-david: Mon copain l'agrion
pierre-david: j'y vois rien !
pierre-david: contact lenses
pierre-david: collier de perles
pierre-david: le porteur d'eau !
LaneyButler: b l u e
ChinatownKicks: 120318-hdr
moaan: What's The Matter With Me?
imjackhandy: Daisetsuzan Ryokan 1
David Lebovitz: Place Dauphine
islets: Heirloom
hanenashi2968: 110625:たま駅長
scjody: Tama Densha
mie**: See you :)
LaneyButler: grand canyon
floating // memories: portrait of a waffle
steph parke: yes, we have
Parowan496: "Highway to Heaven" ... thanks ever so much for over 150,000 views and 2,000 faves for this image.
LaneyButler: polly polydactyl