eye jay tea: spirit
eye jay tea: novemberitis
eye jay tea: self-portrait
eye jay tea: long ago person found
eye jay tea: outhouse
eye jay tea: tom thomson's ghost
eye jay tea: happy halloween
eye jay tea: the beavers of renfrew
eye jay tea: your castle, damp and draughty
eye jay tea: wrinkles
eye jay tea: a heart true
eye jay tea: the peoples club
eye jay tea: dragnet III
eye jay tea: jack, rip
eye jay tea: in mind
eye jay tea: the green man
eye jay tea: shooting stars
eye jay tea: lend an ear! lend an ear!
eye jay tea: happy canada day
eye jay tea: where ghosts abide
eye jay tea: self promotion
eye jay tea: st george
eye jay tea: go van
eye jay tea: glasgow
eye jay tea: winnipeg jets re-animation
eye jay tea: victory and defeat in the bay
eye jay tea: jeanie with the light brown hair
eye jay tea: october rain at stoney narrows portage
eye jay tea: creature