extra_pics: 北中城村のアロマルーム茉莉花さんで宣材撮影。その人の雰囲気とかで好きな香りを当てちゃうからスゴい! ボディメイクもばっちり、和やかムードで撮影も進んで、おかげでよい絵が撮れました(^-^) #okinawa #okinawajapan #aroma #aromatherapy #photo #photoshoot #アロマルーム茉莉花
extra_pics: Tonaki island, Okinawa
extra_pics: StillLife1507
extra_pics: Baby cat
extra_pics: Holy Watar
extra_pics: Cloudy day on the beach
extra_pics: Lotus flower
extra_pics: Makishi Market, Okinawa Japan
extra_pics: Makishi Market, Okinawa Japan
extra_pics: Makishi Market, Okinawa Japan
extra_pics: Makishi Market, Okinawa Japan
extra_pics: The old say...
extra_pics: The Sycamine leaves
extra_pics: Japanese fan
extra_pics: Japanese wind-chime
extra_pics: Acai Berry Smoothie
extra_pics: Honey scone
extra_pics: Summer day at a shaved-ice shop
extra_pics: Summer day at a shaved-ice shop
extra_pics: Summer day at a shaved-ice shop
extra_pics: Summer day at a shaved-ice shop
extra_pics: Shaved ice topped with strawberry syrup
extra_pics: Lunch plate
extra_pics: Bread
extra_pics: Fresh picked vegi
extra_pics: Fresh picked vegi
extra_pics: Wheat field
extra_pics: Chamomile
extra_pics: Nasturtium
extra_pics: Chamomile picking