ex-robot: Driving through the Smoky Mountain Area
ex-robot: Lake Occoe
ex-robot: Rock City Panorama!
ex-robot: We saw it!
ex-robot: The way out of the creepy stoner fairy tale dungeon
ex-robot: Ferris wheel
ex-robot: What are they doing to that cat?!
ex-robot: Welcome indeed...
ex-robot: Shoe lady
ex-robot: Cinderella
ex-robot: Goldilocks
ex-robot: Red Riding Hood
ex-robot: This is getting weird...
ex-robot: Hmmm...
ex-robot: Waterfall!
ex-robot: Us at the top!
ex-robot: Manda pointing to Alabama!
ex-robot: See Seven States!
ex-robot: Lover's Leap
ex-robot: AMURRICAH!
ex-robot: See Rock City
ex-robot: View from Bridge
ex-robot: Manda on Bridge
ex-robot: Paul on bridge
ex-robot: So scary...
ex-robot: Goblin Tunnel...
ex-robot: First hint that things might get weird
ex-robot: Path Narrows!
ex-robot: Between two rocks