Swansea Valley Holiday Cottages: A Charm of Goldfinches
ba.dev: Jingle-jangle morning
baddogwhiskas: GRAFFITI_MELBOURNE_0909_853
Lewis Cleveland MCIJ: Anti-Fascism Protest - Harrow
DJN...: CCTV (again)
fotdmike: CCTV: Church Square, Bedford IMG_3569
Beth <3 'x': IMG_1230
ImageviewPhotography: BNP PROTEST1
petecarr: We are up to something
LoisInWonderland: LES Stencil
Teacher Dude's BBQ: LocalKicks site uses my photographs without permission
Teacher Dude's BBQ: Average (UK) MP's expenses cost taxpayer £118,000
Teacher Dude's BBQ: 1984 by Gucci
Teacher Dude's BBQ: This is a person, not a bar code
quietloner: Fuck the BNP (with love)
sosij: Hope Not Hate
SnapDragon's World: NOT IN MY NAME!
Aurora_dawn_goddess: Not in my name -- the fascist, racist, hateful BNP do NOT represent me!
VROG in Bristol: NOT IN MY NAME: the hate-filled BNP don't represent me in Europe
Josh Heald: Not in my Name
Lost Albatross: Don't panic
Lewis Cleveland MCIJ: Smash EDO, Brighton - 4th May 2009
Lewis Cleveland MCIJ: Smash EDO, Brighton - 4th May 2009
♔ Georgie R: 342-365 (Year 2) Crazy photo
Three less neurons per minute: It's what the world needs now
MTSOfan: Extended Program
ck/ck: The Vanishing City
Teacher Dude's BBQ: Civics 101
LoisInWonderland: Village Sticker Art
jordi.martorell: One nation under CCTV