David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Video of Cattleya quadricolor. Endangered and endemic species from Colombia, observed in situ during an Expediciones Tolima BioDiversa “Nature and orchids” tour I guided for Martin Melgarejo. Valle del Cauca department.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Video of Phragmipedium X daguense (natural hybrid of P. andreettae with P. schlimii) observed in the wild during a 1 day Orchid tour that I guided for judges of the American Orchid Society. Valle del Cauca department, Colombia.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Phragmipedium fischeri in situ in Ecuador. A rare species, also distributed in Colombia but considered as critically endangered by the IUCN with probably less than 100 individuals left in nature. Let's conserve species in the wild !
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Sobralia rosea in situ in Napo Province of Ecuador. One of the nicest species of this genus, with ephemeral flowers generally lasting only one day, distributed from Colombia to Bolivia between 200 and 3300 m asl.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Happy Dennis P. Steinbeck with Anthurisum recavum in situ during a one week tour I guided to observe orchids, aroids and many more plant families in situ as well as birds and other animals in Valle del Cauca department in Colombia.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
A new Anthurium recavum population found in situ (endemic species from Colombia) during a 7 days Orchid (110 species seen blooming in situ) and nature tour I guided for Sam Crothers in Valle del Cauca department.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
With Anthurium queremalense, endemic species from Colombia, impressive by its size and its beauty. Again enjoying the tremendous, almost prehistoric, biodiversity of Farallones de Cali, this time during a 7 days tour I just guided in Valle del Cauca dept.
Orquidário Eduardo Queiroz:
Laelia crispa striata 'Baronesa'
Roberto Spadin:
Soph. wittigiana 'Juju' (06-2006)
Leonardo Desordi:
Pleurothallis johannensis
Jorge Durão Henriques:
Sophronitis cernua Aurantiaca 67 2579
Clown treefrog:
Phragmipedium kovachii bud
Clown treefrog:
Phragmipedium kovachii flowers
Ricardo Arroyo Ghazale:
dona nely
Ricardo Arroyo Ghazale:
estrela de davi
Daniel Neubauer:
Cattleya walkeriana
Miguel Pafaro:
sopr brevipedunculata
Miguel Pafaro:
Cw trilabelo Rudá conjunto
Sophronitis coccinea
Ori Sayuri:
Sophronits cernua sorocaba
Luiz Filipe Varella:
Sophronitis coccinea II - 5
Guilherme Corigliano:
Sophronitis mantiqueirae
Sophronitis coccinea x mantiqueirae
Sophronitis - coccinea x mantiqueirae
Luiz Filipe Varella:
Sophronitis cernua - cultivo Orquidário Olimpia
Sophronitis cernua v. amarela ‘Mineira’
Sophronitis wittigiana 'FTB'