EVILDESIGN: #EvilApe & his #StickerOfTheDay ! - #kaws #bendy #chompers #skatedeck #sticker - #BugEyes of the world unite!
EVILDESIGN: Ya just gotta squish a #penny .... #newenglandaquarium #Boston - #Qeezilla kid & his loose change are soon parted
EVILDESIGN: Green #Coke & #RedVelvet #WhoopiePie - just like #Xmas all over again... Thanks @brandjihad
EVILDESIGN: About to jump on the #penguin party area! #newenglandaquarium
EVILDESIGN: Yes, @lilappleblossm - The kid agrees , #Happiness is sleeping late! #snooze
EVILDESIGN: #Qeezilla kid chillin' with the #Simpsons & neon the #Kimpsons ... @brandjihad #pinball fever....
EVILDESIGN: "Please to #eat you Mr. #Cookie #Whoopie !"
EVILDESIGN: #Qeezilla kid, the #Butcher of the #NorthEnd ... The Bad #Lizard of #Boston ... #sidewalk #weapons
EVILDESIGN: That #EvilApe gets around.... Here he is hangin' with @superfifikiki at @kidrobotsanfrancisco on the new #yummy chairs... How come I'm never invited on these trips!! #Elder #Ape #SF #sffkk #kidrobot #toy2r #EvilDesign #vinyl #toys
EVILDESIGN: #StickerOfTheDay "How to Toss" - classic #Skewville - #Qeezilla kid & his #sticker collection... @skewville #nyc #brooklyn #bushwick #realdeal
EVILDESIGN: #Evil #Girl !! Just found one of these patches we made a decade or so ago...
EVILDESIGN: Happy Birthday #DavidBowie !
EVILDESIGN: Happy Birthday #DavidBowie !
EVILDESIGN: #TBT #thatwasagoodshow style.. I even wore a tie! #BeastieBoys #Gala Event #Boston #OperaHouse #EvilApe
EVILDESIGN: The other day we had #SatansBride , today we have #Satans #Servant ! - #Dracula ... #StickerOfTheDay / #Qeezilla kid's got a good #sticker #collection !
EVILDESIGN: Good night for readin' - #ZineOfTheDay . #SpitShack #EvilDesign #Qeezilla #zine
EVILDESIGN: Cleaning up the studio & finding old stuff (see last few or so posts) - here's an old #stickers flyer. So I figure I have some #EvilApe stickers around I'd try the old style of send us an SASE + 1$ & I'll send out a batch of stickers. - cool?
EVILDESIGN: Staying in the #StickerOfTheDay mode... Here's another good one #Qeezilla kid just uncovered.. #SatansBride by the ol' #nasty #neckface ..... Classic @nastyneckface1
EVILDESIGN: Winter's here...! #StickerOfTheDay --- #pushead x #kaws - #demon & his buddy the #snowman
EVILDESIGN: "You want a Big Lizard in yer backyard?!"
EVILDESIGN: #Fortune read: 'Your toes will soon become numb'
EVILDESIGN: Still watching... #Qeezilla Kids #upallnight #VCR party...
EVILDESIGN: #Qeezilla kid trying to pick out a late night movie... "Yo, yer #VCR workin'?" #VHS
EVILDESIGN: Yo! Thanks @playfulgorilla ... Good stuff! #stickers #ewok #EvilApe #zauis #playfulgorilla #starwars #slaps
EVILDESIGN: "He's Alive!!" #Frankenstein 's #Creation - #Qeezilla kid's #StickerOfTheDay
EVILDESIGN: "Yea, nice patch collection there pal, oh what? Ya don't have a #LuisTiant ? Oh.. Ok" - #Qeezilla got #patchgame
EVILDESIGN: ...but @nastyneckface1 the baby is sooo cute ...
EVILDESIGN: #Qeezilla kid visiting with his buddy the #goat ...
EVILDESIGN: That was a good show... #Sessions the #Bowl - #Deitch #NYC #toomanytoname #2002