douglas paulson: IMG_4791
douglas paulson: IMG_4840
douglas paulson: IMG_4932
douglas paulson: IMG_5006
douglas paulson: IMG_5082
Highranger: 2 storms over Sydney
amdayton: IMG_0619
amdayton: IMG_0623
nicknormal: Panning an electrical relay pole
Whiskeygonebad: Mom 1948 - Frances Tuzzolino - in Satin Dress 40s
Whiskeygonebad: Mom And I on Easter 2007
Whiskeygonebad: Mom in 1301 kitchen 1978
Whiskeygonebad: Culver Line EL 36st 13th -14th Ave Boro Park Bocce 1975
amdayton: band practice
nicknormal: Cassie and Alison
amdayton: Your Erroneous Zones (EXTREME version)
Gwen Schwartz: 'manhattan-henge'
fake is the new real: 20080512 Crash Collage
juzestudiografico: telchaquillo-IV
Shy LaBoof: Kanye West, May 14
WJEN Radio Station: January 10th, 1980
fake is the new real: tree 1 (east)
p sudban: IMG_4154
g.bugel: Happy Birthday America
pantagrapher: Public School
nicknormal: IMG_0582
lexpower: Lake